
Friday, August 5, 2011

Fascinating Facts about Fasting for Health :)

In the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are required to fast for a month.
So why are we fasting anyway?
There's a lot of benefits of fasting!
I stumble across a very nice article about fasting.
Its written by both Muslim and non-Muslim.
In my opinion, fasting is universal.
And there's another article from Muslim's point of view.
There's so many articles in the net. I select few to share it here.

In short, for Islam, fasting includes:
Thanks to princessvd a.k.a. Seryna Jin H S (^_^)v

For me, fasting month is not about Bazaar Ramadan.
Haven't visit any Bazaar Ramadan yet!lol
It is about cleansing ones body and soul.
This is not only for Muslims, non-Muslims can get benefits form fasting too!

The 1st article that I'd like to share is from
The article talks about her Fasting Experiment including benefits of fasting according to her research.
It is the claimed to be the most complete fasting series you’ll ever find online.
It is very informative and worth reading if you are searching for answers. :)

I grab some of the catchy title for summary:
1. What's Water Fasting?
2. Why Fast? (Benefits of fasting)
   - Natural Way to Heal
3. Why I Embarking on this Fast?
   - Immense Benefits of Fasting: Mental Clarity, Increased Creativity, etc
   - Emotional Purging
   - Enabling Others to Learn and Grow
   - Weight loss
   - Building a New Relationship with Food
4. How Long Should One Fast?
   Stage 1: Daily food
   Stage 2: Glycogen from liver (Glycogenolysis)
   Stage 3: Glycogen from our muscles
   Stage 4: Ketosis (Fasting)
   Stage 5: Starvation (eventually leading to death)...etc.

Some of the catchy facts:
These tend to happy from Day 3 onwards of their fast. One of the big reasons is because since there’s nothing to digest, our body stops diverting energy to our digestive systems and instead directs them to our brain, leading to higher level output (i.e. thinking and creative work).
Discover the technique of correct fasting so that you'll gain the benefits that you wanted for your health!

No worries for the Muslims though.
Since we've been practicing since small.
Plus, there's guideline that is made especially for Muslims.
Follow it, and God's willing, you'll be fine. :)

I found the next article regarding fasting and Islam.
I copy and paste from this site:
Edited by emphasizing some facts since the article is quite long.

Health Benefits of Fasting

Food is needed by the body to provide energy for immediate use. This is done by burning up carbohydrates, that is, sugar. Excess of carbohydrates which cannot be used are stored up as fat tissue in the muscles and as glycogen in the liver for future use. Insulin, a hormone from the pancreas, lowers blood sugar and diverts it to other forms of energy storage, that is, glycogen. To be effective, insulin has to be bound to binding sites called receptors. Obese people lack receptors. Therefore, they cannot utilize their insulin. This may lead to glucose intolerance.

When one fasts (or decreases carbohydrate intake drastically), it
lowers one's blood glucose and insulin level. This causes a breakdown of glycogen from the liver to provide glucose for energy needs and break-down of fat from adipose tissue to provide for energy needs. On the basis of human physiology described above, semi-starvation (ketogenic diets) have been devised for effective weight control. These diets provide a calculated amount of protein in divided doses with plenty of water, multivitamins, etc. These effectively lower weight and blood sugar, but because of their side effects, should be used only under the supervision of physicians.

Total fasting reduces or eliminates hunger and causes rapid weight loss. In 1975, Allan Cott in his Fasting as a Way of Life, noted,
"Fasting brings a wholesome physiological rest for the digestive tract and central nervous system and normalizes metabolism." It must be pointed out, however, that there are also many adverse effects of total fasting. That includes hypokalemia and cardiac arrhythmia associated with low calorie starvation diets used in unsupervised programs.

process of decomposing and eliminating waste toxic materials by means of Islamic fasting can improve or even cure the above mentioned diseases and other ones such as : cardiovascular and circulatory diseases, diseases of digestive system, diseases of the locomotor system including rheumatism, respiratory system diseases including asthma, and the early stage of malignant diseases like cancer.

 1-All mucus diseases such as colds, flu, asthma, hay fever, sinus and bronchial troubles are rapidly dissolved and eliminated from the body, leaving the user free from the varied allergies which cause difficult breathing and clogging of the sinus cavities…. I.E: My aunty used to be a patient that suffered from a severe asthma for 2 decades or 3. When she was over 50 she decided to observe the sunna fasting (every Monday and Thursday). As a result, she was thoroughly cured after a period of time.

   2-The types of diseases that are a result of calcium deposits in the joints, muscles, cells, and glands are readily dissolved and removed from the body. Cholesterol deposits in the arteries and veins also respond to the cleansing power of fasting (p13).

   3-Fasting can be used to normalize our weight. As our common sense says, weight reduction is achieved by fasting, along with other health benefits. There are many diet programs using an unbalanced diet that can be dangerous for our health. Fasting is a natural way to normalize our body weight.

   4-Fasting dissolves all unnecessary and unnatural fat deposits all over the body and the body is relieved of a tremendous burden.

   5-When we fast for a few days, the stomach shrinks to its normal size and the hungry feeling gradually fades away. When we go back to the normal diet, we won’t have exaggerated hunger and won’t overeat (Bragg & Bragg, 1999).

   6-Surprisingly enough, fasting programs can be used for underweight people who cannot gain weight even if they stuff themselves with many fattening foods. The cause of both overweight and underweight is a nutritionally unbalanced diet. “People are not nourished in proportion to amount of food they eat, but in proportion to how much they digest and assimilate” (Bragg & Bragg, 1999, p120). Thus what underweight people need is exactly what overweight people need revitalizing the digestive and assimilative systems to work efficiently.

   7-As metabolism is improved through fasting, the body recuperates the capability to assimilate proteins, fats, carbohydrates, starches, sugars, minerals, vitamins and all other essential nutrients necessary because all organs work properly after fasting.

   8-The human body uses the skin as a secondary eliminative organ. Because conditions such as boils, abscesses, carbuncles, and pimples are the body’s effort to eliminate poisons, skin problems also disappear as the rest of the body is cleansed (Burroughs, 1976).

   9-The stomach, intestines and colon are given a complete rest by the fast and are enabled to repair damaged structures. Piles, proctitis, colitis, appendicitis, enteritis, enteric fever (typhoid), gastritis, etc., speedily recover under the fast. The alimentary tract becomes practically free of bacteria during a fast. The small intestines become sterile.

   10- It renew cells, in other words, those who fast look younger than those who don’t. Amazingly, when someone looks at the face of a 40-year-old Muslim woman who reared eight children, they might think she is under 30.

Obviously, this is due mainly to fasting.

Finally, fasting can help people to break addictions to harmful substances: tobacco, drugs, alcohol, tea, coffee, and other habit-forming beverages. 

Fasting leads our body to get rid of stored poisons, including addictive substances, and we lose our craving and tolerance for them. 

Thus after fasting we will feel nausea or sometimes have attacks of vomiting, “nature’s purge” if taking addictive substances.

Don't worry if you have bad breath when you fast! It just means that your body is functioning well.
Your bad breath is the result of the elimination of toxins from your body and will shift as your body gets clean. (Q12 Your Fasting Q&As)

You might also like:
Benefits of Fasting
Mosque Leader Explains Ramadan: 'You Feel What Hunger Means'
Benefits of Ramadan - What are the benefits of fasting during Ramadan

Fasting has a lot of benefits and not to mention to get closer to God.
It is not about hungry and thirst. It is more than that.
Islam is amazing.
The more question about why, the more reason for me to love Islam.
Muslims is another story.
Muslim does not necessarily equal to Islam.
So mind the word.

I hope I teach a lot about fasting to myself and you, my blog reader.
Malaysia is a diverse nation with so many culture and religion.
We respect each other's believe.

If you like to insult other people's believe, please be repent.
There's always reason why don't have one religion only in the world.
With differences, we united.
Use the gift of sense to judge something, not by using emotion.
No matter who you are, understanding and respect is very important in life.

I would like to close my post with this wonderful music video.

Great song! I'm so touched. Beautiful voice.

Thank you again to princessvd a.k.a. Seryna Jin H S
"One who, while fasting, neither guards his tongue from telling lies nor refrains from doing bad deeds does not respect his fast, while Allah does not approve of mere abstention from food... When you fast, you should not speak ill of anybody, nor should you be boisterous or noisy. If anybody speaks ill of you or tries to pick a quarrel with you, do not respond to him in the same manner; rather, simply tell him that you are fasting. :) "

May Allah accept our fasting, forgive our sins, and guide us all to the Straight Path. May Allah bless us all during Ramadan, and throughout the year, with His forgiveness, mercy, and peace, and bring us all closer to Him and to each other.


  1. Thank you so much my dear friend for those credits. I'm not ashamed to admit as a non-Muslim that Islam is a beautiful religion and the more get to know it the further you'll fall in love with it. Even I myself have been falling in love with it's beauty again and again for each & every Ramadhan because Ramadhan & Syawal is my favourite months out of all months...
    " As a normal human, I'm amazed by & praise the formation of each & every single religion exist on this divine earth, all religions that practises Humanitarianism deserved to be praise & amazed despite which religion it is." :)

    *please don't get offended by my words*

  2. @Princessvd: I'm not offended at all.
    I'm glad that you like Ramadan and Syawal. ^^
    It is the best month in Hijrah calender. Most celebrated.
    I agree with your last statement.
    I feel that all religion in the world encourage us to be Humanitarian and love the Earth and our surroundings.

    Those religion that don't practice that does not deserve to call it religion.
    We are after all humans and living things.


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