
Sunday, November 21, 2010

STPM 2010

Finally! The battle begin!
The STPM examination starts on 23 November and ends on 16 December.

To all STPM and SPM 2010 candidates:
Good luck!
Wish me all the best of luck too. ^^

I will do my very very very best!
Just keep moving forward and don't ever turn back!

P.S: Do not ask what's my result ><;; I'll tell you if its good. ^^v

Saturday, October 23, 2010

In Remembrance

The uncle next door who always greet me and talk to me since I live in this house already passed away.
He was extremely nice person.
Always look after me and my house.
I can't believe that he won't be greeting me after this.
I'll be missing his kindness, laughter and smile.
It was raining after the funeral.
Its nice weather since this month is extremely hot season in Malaysia.
I somehow felt that this nice uncle is blessed by God because of his good deeds.

He brought pleasure to everyone he met and will be sadly missed.

Every living thing will die one day.
Its just a matter of time.

P.S: Now left only 30 days for my STPM exam ><;;  I'll do my very best!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Choice that I've made.

This is the path that I chose to take.
It's unclear. Its a gamble.
I took the road that no one dare to take.
However, my life, my future, blurred by the mirage on the road.
Envy of friend's path of life is inevitable.
It's great that they got the chance.
It's great that they took less time compare to mine.
When I think again, there's reason why I am here.

The reason for me to grow up,
It is ordinary, but extraordinary in a way.
Suffering teaches us a thousand experience.

Am I going to succeed?
Will I regret the decision that I make?

No, I will never regret.
But whether I'm going to succeed or not, god will lead me to the result.
I can only do my best.
Whatever the consequences, even though I need to start from zero,
I take it.
This is the choice I've made.

I'm sorry if I hurt you..  I do not mean it.
Wish me all the best.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Special day. Special Update. 15-08-10

Today is my birthday!   
The last birthday with '1' in front. Next year gonna be '2'. lol
Happy Birthday to me!

I did the writing. ^^

(I wonder how many people will wish me)
I don't expect nice birthday for me this year. Since there's so many things happen. Busy busy busy. Its ok. I don't mind.
*cry silently*
I didn't update my blog about 9 months from my last post. Extremely busy with a lot of things and a lot of things happen to me. This post going to be the longest post. I hope I won't bored you. Ever wondered what was my muet exam and my Monbukagakusho scholarship went?

Lets start with my MUET exam result: 

Exactly the same marks 2 times in a row! (look at the date also) OMG... So near yet so far from band 5!!
I try again this year-end MUET exam. I will never give up!

About Monbukagakusho, I went for the exam for 5 paper, i.e: Maths, Physics, Chemistry, English and Japanese Language. Despite all my effort it doesn't seems enough. Imagine this. There are about a thousand applicants who sit for the exam. But I won't give up!
This is the exam hall looks like. I'm NSA002. The guy behind me is NSA001. He came all the way from Penang. I wonder whether he get the scholarship or not.. (Confucian Private Secondary School hall)
Last year I applied (2009) I got NSA002. This year (2010) also NSA002. ha ha ha.
(why I keep getting repeated number?)

 I never regret the fact that I take form six. Its the best decision I've made so far despite so many challenge and difficulties. Great friend. Great teacher. Great experience. I'm gonna miss the school life.

I always wanted to become prefect when I'm in form 1. I undergo probation last time but I wasn't the chosen one. I get the opportunity to become a prefect in form 6. I'm glad that I become one member in this family. Somehow I feel sad about leaving the board. Thanks for all the prefects that made my life such a wonderful story. I wanted to take this opportunity to apologize to any prefect or non-prefect if I did something wrong or offensive word or act that hurt any of you guys. I'm not perfect and human will never escape from making mistakes. Thank you!

-Majlis Perpisahan Pengawas 2010 : 8/8/10- Kai Shin and me. I gonna miss you! (Thanks to Siti Sarah for this gorgeous picture: taken from Facebook)
 I love the prefect blazer for no particular reason. I guess there's a lot of sentimental value for me.

I would like to thank to Shaun Leslie the opportunity to sing in the band (Its my dream!). We're practicing like hell for 2 weeks. haha. The talented musician in the band turned out to be my own classmate. haha. I'm talking about you, Edmund and the rest of the musician, Zhi Cong, Joannes, and of course Shaun himself. I have a terrible sore throat + fever 4 days before and my voice is not at its best. Sorry if I ruined the performance in any way. Thanks a lot guys! 
Me singing 'fly' by Hillary Duff. Thanks to Shardha Lim for the picture.
Thank you to Kak Mira for lending me the dress. ^^.

These are some captured moment that I took:
Eating at mamak after practicing. lol
Shaun and Zhi Cong (in studio)
Joannes and Sarah
Edmund and Loges
These are some moments in school:
Mix everything! - Chemistry lab-
Cleaning class
Physics lab
My best crazy friend ever !  Say Nee and me!!

There's a lot of moment that I won't trade for anything in this world.
I'm happy that I take form 6. I never regret it. Despite I didn't able to get Monbukagakusho this year, I'll do again next year. I'll never give up. I'll do my very best to get the best result. For all the friends that I met in this adventure, thank you for colored up my life. I love all of you. Please don't forget me.

Thank you. 

P.S: In this holy month of Ramadhan, I would like to take the opportunity to apologize once more to anyone that know me. Lets do our best to achieve what we aim for and be successful in any path that we took.